Wisconsin Pedigree No 2
Wisconsin Pedigree No. 2 is a selection of Turkey Red developed at the University of Wisconsin. Starting in 1905, University researchers went looking for the best strain of Turkey Red for Wisconsin farmers to grow. By 1917, they concluded their work and released Wisconsin Pedigree No 2. Anarchy Acres is the first farm to grow Pedigree No 2 since that time. We have found it to produce more protein than other Turkey Red wheats with less fertilizer. It's also very productive in the field and tastes a little smoother.
Every season, Wisconsin No 2 develops a spectacular red stem for a few days prior to harvest. Red stems are a trait of Turkey Red that goes back to the Krymki wheat grown in the area of modern Ukraine. The color is caused by anthocyanins in the plants. In addition to acting as antioxidants and fighting free radicals, anthocyanins may offer anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-cancer benefits. We are seeing more mentions of red or purple colored stems in heritage wheat as we research heritage wheat varieties. To learn more about our work with Wisconsin Pedigree No. 2, you can read "A Seed Story," which was published in Rural Heritage Magazine in the Spring of 2017.
Wisconsin No 2 can be thought of as a heritage "all purpose" flour. We've made great bread, pizza and pasta with Wisconsin No 2, of course. But it also works well for cookies, pancakes, dumplings, or just plain cooked berries to sprinkle on a salad. If you're only going to buy one type of wheat, make it Wisconsin Pedigree No 2!