Wisconsin No 2 Berries
Pizza, bread, pasta, cookies, pancakes, and muffins. The “everything” wheat.
classic whole wheat, smooth and satisfying
MARKET TYPEhard red winter wheat
In the Kitchen
Wisconsin No 2 grows a higher-protein wheat with a smoother flavor than other Turkey Reds we have tried. It truly does everything! It mills well and makes excellent bread, pasta, pizza, and quick breads. The ultimate all-around wheat.
In the Field
In 1905, botanists at the University of Wisconsin went looking for the perfect strain of Turkey Red for farmers in Wisconsin to grow. After several years of comparison, experimentation, and seed increase, they released Wisconsin Pedigree No 2 in 1917.
During the 2021 and 2022 growing seasons, Jordan and Chris Simon (Simon's Gardens of Mukwonago) generously provided a field for us to grow wheat on. The 2022 crop was of excellent quality and the highest protein Wisconsin No 2 we have seen so far.