A cross between Red Fife and Calcutta wheat created by Canadian agriculturist Charles Saunders in 1895, this hard red spring wheat was king in North America from the 'teens through the 1930's. Our seed came from the Loiselle farm in Saskatchewan. We were very excited to grow this wheat after discovering that 59% of the Wisconsin wheat crop was Marquis during the 1920's. For many years it was the standard for a high quality milling flour. We believe that our 2016 crop of Marquis was the first crop grown in Wisconsin since WWII. Our first harvest tested out at 12.0% protein, and it's been reliably our highest protein wheat in subsequent years.
In our experience we have found Marquis to produce an exceptionally strong and smooth dough in yeasted and sourdough bread. Flavor is subtle but rich, and among heritage flours it is probably the easiest we have found to work with.